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Corbin Bailey wants to stand up for the lives of the innocent young babies dying due to abortion. So, president candidate Baily would like to officially announce his Pro-Life movement...

Affirmative Action

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Corbin Bailey wants to stand up for the lives of the innocent young babies dying due to abortion. So, president candidate Baily would like to officially announce his Pro-Life movement...

Affirmative Action

 Corbin Bailey’s mission is equality. Therefore, he is removing any preference based on race in the workplace. Making it illegal to hire based on skin color will ensure everyone gets an equal opportunity for a job. Jobs will be strictly based on skill level.Your vote could influence so many hires and ensure qualified members of society can do a job they were built to do. 

Death Penalty

Corbin Bailey believes everyone should have a fair trial. However, murders should never get the right to live after killing an innocent American. So, Mr. Bailey will reinstate the death penalty to all murders who have killed three or more people. Murderers who have killed one-two people will serve a life sentence in a maximum-security prison.


Corbin Bailey wants to ensure America really is free, Therefore, he will ensure to make America a free-market system, so the government can't control corporate businesses. This will allow for more economic growth, and more jobs which this country desperately needs.Voting for Corbin Bailey will not only ensure greatness and progress throughout America, but it will give the jobless jobs. To lead all Americans to a more successful life. Which also lowers Americas so large homeless statistics and keeps citizens off the streets. Corbin Bailey can solve the job crisis, and the homeless crisis throughout America using his plan to fix the United States'economy. 

Why vote for someone below 6'5"? Vote Corbin


Americas Education system is a mess; however, Corbin Bailey has a plan that can change all of that. Corbin Bailey wants to give out vouchers to those seeking education via private or religious schools. This is to ensure each, and every student gets a change to go toschool that fits his/her learning style. Public schools can't always teach students the way they should. Regardless of pay many public educators have gone on strike or protested. Corbin Bailey wants to ensure students get a first-class education without interruptions from the greed of teachers. He can do this by helping provide vouchers for more citizens to attend private schools and by fixing the current public education system.


We can't run on fossil fuels forever. They are causing global warming and pollution our amazing country. So, Corbin Bailey is creating a plan to lower need for fossil fuels and eventually work our way off using fossil fuels all together. He will do this by offering tax refunds to hoes using alternate power. He is also offering tax refunds to those with e-vehicles. This will provide valid reason for electric vehicles and can help lower pollution. He is alsoproposing a higher tax of fuel and taking steps to get rid of corruption in government, such as government employees being paid by oil companies to keep an oil friendly country.  

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Global Warming 

 Donald Trump has made statements about global warming being a hoax and pulled us out of the Paris agreement. This was an unforgivable mistake setting the United States up for downfall. Corbin Bailey wants to reverse his anti-global warming movements and go back into the Paris agreement. He will also invest taxpayer dollars into a clean-earth movement to provide citizens with eco-friendly products. He will also be giving convicts a chance at helping the earth by having them clean up trash around the country.  

Gun Control

Corbin Bailey believes in what the founding fathers wanted for this country. Limiting guns is anti-freedom and unconstitutional. So, Corbin will ensure US Citizens will be able to carry guns and allow the amazing citizens to not only help keep themselves safe, but to keep America safe. While also keeping guns open and available to the public, ALL weapons will be restricted to buy to those with history of mental illness and to those with class 4, 3, 2, 1felony(s). Electing Corbin is electing to make America a safer country. 

The weather is fine up here, come join me! Vote Corbin 

Health Care

Making healthcare free is incredibly challenging. If healthcare in America was free there would be long wait lines and it would be harder to maintain such medical facilities. Doing this would also raise tax dollars which is unacceptable. So, bailey would like to keep organizations such as Medicare for all going but not change Americas entire healthcare system.Bailey wants to help support those who can't pay for treatment but will not help citizens that have a certain income level. Doing this will keep tax dollars lower and hospitals less crowded to ensure a safer healthier country.  


Each year millions of illegal immigrants come into the united states. They use our resources and don’t pay taxes. Bailey is going to strictly enforce the boarder and extend military and drone usage throughout the edges of the united states. “If a united states citizen doesn’t paytaxes there are consequences so why should we let foreign citizens into our country and let them stay for free without punishment?” -Corbin Bailey. However Corbin Bailey is a family man and will do his part in keeping families together by expediting hearings and making it easier to become a citizen.  

Private Property 

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Don't be short-minded. Vote Corbin 

Same Sex Marrige 

 Corbin Bailey is for same-sex marriage. Every American citizen has the right to freedom. The freedom to marry the same gender will not be excluded. Corbin Bailey strongly agrees that religion does not serve right in politics so keeping same-sex marriages legal is the right thing to do to let people be who they were made to be and give them the rights they deserve to have. All illegal conversion camps still existing will also be taken on in court and will be personally sued by the president himself for illegal abuse. Doing this keeps America a safe and free country. 

Social Security 

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United Nations 

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